Growing Things Farm Carnation, WA

(From Growing Things Website)
Growing Things Farm was established in 1991. We are located in the scenic Snoqualmie Valley nestled on the Snoqualmie River.
We believe in living our lives in harmony with the rest of our world with as little harmful impact as possible. We work to be good stewards of the land so that we leave this planet a better place for the generations to come. We value all varieties of life on earth and we raise our animals in a responsible and considerate manner.
As life continues, transitions happen and — once primarily a vegetable and meat farm — Growing Things is changing its focus. Our goat herd has increased, the vegetables have been reduced, the chickens and turkeys are gone, but the farm continues! We still raise beef, pork, and vegetables, but our focus is now on the wonderful products we make from the goat milk and herbs grown on the farm. They are amazing!